Monday, April 3, 2023

What I Eat in A Day

The beginning of February I visited my doctor for my yearly health physical. I was pretty aware that my weight had gotten a tad out of control but I was not prepared for what I was told. Basically that my "bad" cholestorol had gotten a little too high and I needed to lose 7-10 pounds (more like 20 in my head).

The first week I basically cried and stressed about what to eat and where to even begin. Especially when it came to my coffee. I love my morning creamer and coffee, or coffee and creamer...however you view it, but I knew it had to change.

Eat in a day

I'm now down 7 pounds and feel like I have a little handle on things, so I thought I'd share what I typically eat in a day. Depending on the day, I eat 4-5 small meals a day.  And, for the most part, nothing I eat takes too much time or energy...because who has time to spend on food. 


No Bake Granola Bars

- Proffee (1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder + coffee)

Mid-Morning Snack:

- Chobani No Sugar yogurt w/ KIND Cinnamon Oat Clusters


Salmon Patties & Quinoa


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