Stella's Birth Story {Part III}

Friday, October 31, 2014

 Sunday morning we got up and anxiously waited for our little guy to arrive!
 ^^^^This was about as close as he got to her, ha!^^^^
Stella brought him a gift, a Mickey Mouse book, of course! She knows him so well! ;)

Mimi and Pop were also there and enjoyed some time with Stella.
 We went home really late on Sunday night, 11:30. We were not sleeping one more night on those uncomfortable beds! So, Monday morning Wyatt was very excited to welcome home his little sister!
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Countdown to Halloween {Pumpkin Pickin'}

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We finally made it to a pumpkin patch!! YAY!! Well, it's really just a church down the road that sales pumpkins, but that's close, right??

Wyatt was so proud of his pumpkin shirt, but didn't have a real interest in the actual pumpkins.  He did enjoy running Mama and Mimi around though!

Stella had to make an appearance too! Of course, it was cool the one day that we went, so she spent most of the time covered up.
Sweet Turtle Soup

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2014 Scarf Swap {link-up}

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I joined in on Chelsea's (THE PERFECT CATCH) 2014 scarf swap.
Link Up
 I was paired up with CAILEEN (instagram: caileen22). She sent the cutest scarf with little birds on it. It's the perfect lightweight material for our mild winters here in Arkansas. I love having scarfs that I can wear year-round, and this is definitely one!

She also sent books for Wyatt and Stella! It was so sweet of her to think of them!

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18 Months!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

OH.MY.GOODNESS!! I can't believe you're 18 months old already!! You are now officially a big brother, and you are doing an amazing job adjusting! Since Stella has been born you look so much older to me. I look at you at times and think, where'd my baby boy go? We love you so much and are so proud of you!! 
What you did this month:
  • You weigh somewhere around 30 pounds and are around 36 inches tall.
  • You are wearing size 5 diapers.
  • You wear size 18 months in shorts, 2T in pants, and 24M/2T in shirts.
  • Your favorite foods right now are yogurt, spaghetti, pizza, French fries, mashed potatoes and any kind of fruit. You also discovered that you're a fan of ketchup, although, I don't always offer it and you're ok with that. Oh, and "special milk", aka, chocolate milk (which is about 98% milk and 2% chocolate).
  • You usually wake up between 7:30 & 8, take a nap around noon for about 2.5 hours, and go down at night around 8.
  • You are now a BIG BROTHER!! At times you get really excited about Stella and other times you could care less. So far we haven't had any "jealousy" meltdowns, and hopefully we won't!
  • Your favorite things to say are "uh-oh" and "Where'd it go?" (with hands up), but you babble and "talk" all day long.
  • You can also say "thircle" (which is a word you've learned at school this month) and "Mmmickymow", when you want to. 
  • You have 10  teeth now, and your canines are almost in.
  • Sometimes I can get you to point to your ears, bellybutton, nose, head, and tummy. You have to be in the mood though.
  • You still really enjoy Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • You are doing much better at drop-off at school, and you're happy the entire time you're there!!
  • You seem to comprehend just about everything we say. 
  • You have started having less and less temper tantrums, which is such a blessing.  You usually only throw them when you can't have something you a popsicle.
  • You are your daddy's shadow. You're always wanting to help him and be where he is.
  • You are also doing something new just this week.  You now "hide" when you are pooping in your diaper. I guess that's a good thing?? Not really sure, ha!

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It's the Little Things...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

like some quality bath time with my boy!

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Countdown to Halloween {Cookies, Pumpkin Painting, & All Around Cuteness}

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm linking up for the third week of Countdown to Halloween.
Sweet Turtle Soup

This week we celebrated Halloween by making some pumpkin cookies. I feel so guilty, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've made cookies for Wyatt. I had to tell him that a cookies was like ice cream so he would eat it, ha! 

Oh, but don't worry, he loved them! He loved them so much that he took Mimi's cookie and mama's cookie. Silly boy! 

My sis-in-law showed off a painted pumpkin that she did with my nephew, and I knew we had to try it! I used some painters tape and made a W on one side and then let him paint away. Of course, if you've ready about any of our previous painting experiences, then you know Wyatt first had to eat some paint.
It didn't go as well as I had planned.  He was pretty fussy and really mad that he couldn't eat the cookies that were in the oven baking. He also really liked the blue color and kept wanting me to put more of it on his plate. 
The finished product turned out adorable though, and Wyatt was pretty proud!
 Mimi made Stella an adorable Halloween tutu, so of course we had to take some pictures.  This was the only one that turned out where Wyatt's not A) smashing his sister B) chewing on a cookie or C) moving, ha! I'm just happy to have gotten one.
 And Stella just looks adorable!

Yep, that pretty much sums up our week of Halloween celebrations!
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Stella's Birth Story {Part II}

Monday, October 20, 2014

Picking up from where I left off of PART I.
We got to the hospital around 4:30 and they got us checked in to a room. Of course, they wanted to make sure that it actually was my water that broke before they completely got us all checked in. So, Sean and I started watching the Razorback game...on our phone. The cable was out when we got there.
At 5:50 we got the green light to stay, that it was in fact my water breaking. Although, they did tell me it was a slow leak and there would be more breakage. At 6:30ish they also started me on Pitocin to get my contractions started. At 7:20 they upped the Pitocin and my contractions were coming every 4 minutes. At 7:40 they upped it again. I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced at 8:15, and my contractions were coming every 2 minutes. I started sitting on the birthing ball to try and relax a bit but I was definitely ready for the epidural.
Mom got up to the hospital about 9:20 and she and Sean had fun trying to make me happy during contractions...don't talk to me, don't touch me. They started my epidural at 9:45 since the anesthesiologist was already at the hospital. Almost immediately after getting the epidural my water completely broke, I guess my body relaxed enough.
^^^^Epidurals are great!!^^^^
Everything after that moved really quickly. At 10:20 I was dilated to a 4 and by 10:40 Dr. R said I was dilated to a 9. By 11 I was feeling so much pressure I had mom get the nurse. She checked me and I was a 10. The next 30 minutes were like out of a romantic comedy. The nurses had me do a practice test to make sure we were even close to delivery, and immediately realized we were definitely ready. I think I pushed through two contractions and they had me stop because Dr. R wasn't in the room yet. I literally felt like I was trying to hold Stella in, and I could hear one of the nurses yelling down the hall for Dr. R. And one push later, she was here!
Stella Elizabeth came into the world with bright red hair and a set of lungs. The nurses were laughing and giving us a hard time saying she was definitely acting like a red head. I was a little nervous, wondering if she would scream like that all the time. Oh, and this is also when I realized the SD card wasn't in the camera...grrrrr!
We enjoyed a little time with our little princess, and spent some time with Mimi before Stella was taken to the nursery for a bit. Mom went and got us a bite to eat, and by 2am we were finally in our room for the night.
Next up, Wyatt meets his sissy Stella!
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