That One Time We Celebrated 10 Years of Marriage

Thursday, December 5, 2019

This past June, Sean and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. Where does the time go?? Just look at these babies who met in high school...

We went back to where we had our honeymoon, which is what we always said we would do. And while we were there decided we needed to go back every 5 years...
Cumberland Island, you hold such a special place in our hearts. 

The Greyfield Inn is the only "hotel" on the island, but it's the best all inclusive experience.  It's basically the most perfect place in the whole world...and that's saying a lot since I haven't actually seen the whole world.'s just the perfect mixture of everything. 
Romance, private beaches, amazing food, outdoor activities, wild horses, get it. 

Plum Orchard


We did a little bit of everything and it was perfect. I mean, but let's not sugar coat the car sickness I had on the way there (no I wasn't pregnant...yet), or the horrible sunburn I got on my legs. But even with that I can still say it was a perfect trip with my most favorite person. 

Cheers to 10 (and a half) years, babe! Let's have a baby! 

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