33 Weeks {Baby Dorey #3}

Monday, September 25, 2017

It's been a bit since I've done an update but things are moving along pretty smoothly so there hasn't been much to share. This pictures is actually about 2 weeks old but it's still pretty accurate. ;) 

Size of Baby: I'm currently 33 weeks and our baby girl weighs about 4 pounds + is measuring about 17", or the size of a pineapple. 

Total Weight Gain: I've gained around 30 pounds. I'm right at the weight I was when I delivered Wyatt + Stella...and I have roughly 7 weeks to go. But I do know that I weighed more when I got pregnant this time around, so I'm trying to factor that in and not get discouraged. Also, my weight gain has slowed substantially in the third trimester. 

Symptoms: Hip pain, back pain, etc, etc... And lots of braxton hicks. Getting dressed is my least favorite activity of everyday. And praying the weather cools off soon so I can at least wear jeans/leggings comfortably again. 

Food Cravings/Aversions: Haven't really craved too much. With my growing belly I've had much less of an appetite. 

Movement: All the time. She's really good at elbowing and kneeing my too, which can cause me to yell "ouch". 

Purchases: Haven't really bought anything recently but I have a few things on my list to purchase in October. 

Best Moment of the Week: We had a great weekend visiting my dad's family and spending some down time on the farm.

Looking Forward To: My baby shower that a few friends are hosting this coming weekend! Which also means my mom is coming for a visit too!

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