Liebster Award

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

OH.MY.GOSH, Y'ALL!! I have been such a bad blogger is happening.  Well, about a month ago I was so generously nominated by Cassie from CUTE TOT ON THE BLOCK for the Liebster Award.  You definitely need to check her out...she has the latest info on great bargains for kids clothes and she has some pretty great giveaways!
Since I've been nominated for Liebster Awards three times before (HERE, HERE, & HERE), and I'm running a month behind schedule, I'm just going to answer her questions, so enjoy!
1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Europe, specifically Paris.
2. What was the last good book you read? HA! I honestly couldn't tell you the last book that I read.  I need to change that ASAP!
3. Where is your favorite place to shop for yourself? GAP
4. What is your guilty pleasure? TV....I could sit and watch it all's bad.
5. What's your favorite breakfast item? French toast, hands down!
6. If you could have your dream career tomorrow without having to go back to school, what would it be? Honestly, that's really tough.  I love what I do right now and don't think I could change that tomorrow.  Ask me again in 5 years.
7. Who is your celebrity doppelganger?
You tell me, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! :)

8. Who inspires you?
Definitely my mom.  She has the best heart of anyone I know.
9. How many countries have you been to? Besides the US, one, Canada.
10. Describe the style of your home. It's definitely a casual eclectic style.  We have a hodgepodge of miscellaneous furniture from everywhere, and definitely nothing real fancy.
11. What do you hope to cross off your to-do list this year? Our complete list of remodels for the house! (More on that soon!)
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