Halloween 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Well, we survived our first Halloween.  Luckily, Wyatt is not old enough to be all sugared up on candy at this point.  We made our way to two different churches last night and had a great time.

 We met up with our friends, the Adams and the Addies.  Did a little socializing and then headed for the house.  I also must add, our little Chick-fil-A cow was so very close to winning a costume contest!! But, that "bowl of spaghetti" definitely had it in the bag!

Thankfully, my dear husband sat outside when we got home to pass out treats, while I got our little guy in bed.  Then we topped it off with some Grey's Anatomy!
It was definitely a Halloween for the record books...in my opinion.
Hope y'all had a great night as well!
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