
Sunday, November 11, 2012

How Far Along: 17 Weeks (11/8/12)
Size of baby: 5.1 inches and about 5.9 ounces. Right now our baby is the size of an onion!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +/- 12 pounds 
Maternity Clothes: I have worn a few maternity tops, size small and I have used my Bella Band four times.  I've also started wearing more leggings and stretchy pants!
Gender: Now I definitely think "Three's" a girl.  I don't have any reasons to but that's what I think.  Everyone refers to "Three" as a "her".  We're definitely going to have to change all of our thinking when "she" is a "he". Ha!
Movement: I've definitely felt "her" move! It's usually at night when I'm in bed.  Last weekend I drank my first Diet Dr. Pepper since I found I was pregnant and she went CrAzY!!
Food Cravings: I haven't had any cravings this week.  Just food.. ;)
Food Aversion: Hummus and Mexican food still don't sound very good. 
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly...and pretty soon I'm going to miss sleeping on my back. :/ 
I think I'll be investing in a body pillow very soon!
Sleep: I'm still sleeping great at night!
Symptoms: My exhaustion has definitely worn off this week, which has been amazing! I'm continuing to work-out as much as I can.  
Best Moment this week: Going shopping with my mom!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out on Wednesday what our little "Three" is!! I cant' believe we finally get to see "her"!!